U-19 FILM EXTRACT: intial ideas
Thursday 8 January 2009
intial ideas
Initial ideas:
The story starts with a young girl with apparent mental health problems. The girl follows a man she thinks she sees in her mind and starts to retreat into this fantasy world more and more, however as the film goes on the line between fantasy and reality becomes thinner until it becomes obvious that there was never fantasy only reality. Because of this the girl turns more insane and ends with her in a prison imagining her family in a normal setting as it once was.
The film is focusing on fantasy and reality and how people can never understand what is real and what isn't.
The scene that we could do would be the beginning which shows the first switches between reality and fantasy when she goes to wonderland or possibly the end where she is sitting in a prison alone.

The main character: Young and female, between 15 and 20. She lives in an ordinary home. A male character refers to her as 'rabbit'

Donnie Darko - Surreal events
Pans labyrinth - strong influence
Alice in wonderland - white rabbit type figure, wonderland
Kubla khan (poem) - poem that doesn't make sense, creepy

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posted by AS Film Studies Students @ 07:51  
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