U-19 FILM EXTRACT: Film roles
Thursday 8 January 2009
Film roles
In our group we have Vonnie, Tim, Lloyd and Adam.

Vonnie camera work.
In most projects I have worked in before I have been the camera person and have done story boarding as I do it often in my own time and am a fast drawer. When it comes to camera work and storyboarding I always have a clear idea of what the shot will look like, how to achieve it and what meanings particular shots/props/positioning can convey. Also I have many of my own props and enjoy making them, and have lot's of lighting equipment. I am also learning to design and create costumes as well as already owning quite a few costumes, as I used one in the film swede project.
  • Set up, use, looking after equipment.
  • Shot types/positioning
  • Following storyboard
  • movement shots (zoom pan)
  • Background noise
  • Costume/props/storyboard
  • Book out camera
  • Insurance forms
Tim director.
In my role it primarily involves stage directions as well as helping out with other peoples roles as advising and helping everyone understand what they are suposed to do.

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posted by AS Film Studies Students @ 06:52  
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