Our film group consisted of 4 people, me (Adam Arnold), Lloyd, Tim and Vonnie.
Each of our group had a different role:
Sound – me
Camera – Vonnie
Director – Tim
Editing – Lloyd
After getting our roles sorted out, we than found some examples of our given roles to post on the blog (U-19).
We spent the first few lessons deciding on the genre of our film; we eventually decided to do a fantasy film, very similar to
Alice in Wonderland and
Pan’s Labyrinth, which ended up as the basis for our film. I feel that this process went well compared to other groups.
After deciding what genre of film it would be, we set about designing a storyboard; the first step of this was to decide what scene of the film we would like to do, unanimously we had felt the “change world” scene was the one to do.
We than set about designing a storyboard, we decided to end our scene when she entered the new world, and start it just before the arrival of “the man in the hat”.
This was than finished overnight by Vonnie, we spent the next lesson converting this into an animated video, we also had made a mood board, a mood board is a set of pictures that show us the mood of the movie we aimed to create, I made a piece of music to go with this as it gave me practice on garage band, this music was slow and eerie, as a basis for what I believed the piece to need, it worked well, but I had to see our film before I could decide on music.
Here came the biggest issue, finding the location.
We than discussed locations to go and shoot our film, and we decided to shoot just outside of Harston, down Button End, at about 2o’clock
Tim and I were lucky in this situation, because it was Tim’s house and general vicinity that we were shooting.
I was lucky because my family grew up in that area and knew it well; therefore, it felt right to do it there.
Due to this being a slightly isolated location, Vonnie arrived 25 minutes late, this was caused by several factors, these included the location being difficult to find and the public transport running late, because Vonnie had managed to get the actors, but they had to come from far away.
We finally went out to start filming, this went well, we only had two different locations and they were close together and we had finished in a couple of hours, we seemed to work together perfectly fine.
Next lesson we than started piecing the clips together to make our rough cut, I believe this went well, but cannot be sure because at the time, me and Lloyd were starting on the music for the piece, this had to be a slow and simple. After some consideration we had decided that we needed extra footage, so Tim spent that night getting some extra footage.
(the following is in the words of Tim, taken directly from the blog) that consisted mainly of footage, walking up to the roof top, the scenery around that particular roof. I took an estimated five minute of footage there. As well as that we choose that should also go down to the fields, to where we shot the last few scenes in our rough cut where the girl falls to. I was too shoot some scenes where you could see the surrounding area, so that we could incorporate it into the final rough cut. I spent another five minutes taking footage of that surrounding area. On my way back from collecting this footage, I heard some very clear and loud early morning birds, so I put my camera to record outside my house, for about two minutes to gain some good clear wildlife sound, the actual imagery that I recorded, would not be of use to the group as it does not work with anything else that we had caught on tape.
The sound of the piece was a simple, linear piece, this consisted of only a few instruments, mainly being Piano and Harp, this music was portrayed to make the scene creepier, and on this shot the music works well, the harps have just come in the tune with the piano, and this causes an eerie feel to the film,this point is also the "start of the change of worlds" and the music was supposed to emphasize this.
We than spent the next lesson converting and uploading the footage to use in the rough cut, but due to the size of the footage only managed to upload the bird noise footage that lesson, but the footage did fit quite nicely into our cut.
We than made a second rough cut that never managed to get posted on the blog; this had a few changes made to it, such as less shaky shots and again we agreed that there were still several improvements to be made.
Our next task was to come up with a name for our piece, some of our examples were:
The crack in the line
Final Dreams
Eventually we agreed on Final Dreams as the title for our piece, because it has a deep meaning, and has more to do with the film than we revealed.
We got to work on our final piece and finished that only just in time, we had to leave the lesson whilst the film was uploading, and it didn’t upload to the blog properly.
I feel that this went well overall, owing to having good, willing, hardworking members of the group and certain amounts of luck.
Below are some screenshots of the music in development