U-19 FILM EXTRACT: Filming
Sunday 25 January 2009
Today's filming was successful, We finished all the shots but unfortunately there was one shot where two of the characters shake hands in which there were some continuity errors such as slight background problems, we may have to cut one of the shots in order for it too look right.
However the rest of the filming was fine.
I doubt the final film will look as good as it was planned, but this is what we have for now.
Any sound will have to be added as a voice over, it will help add surreality to the scene if the male voice over is distorted.

We were able to successfully use our locations, and all of our group showed up, the timing of some members of the group was bad, but this was due to finding the location.

We may have animal noises in the background due to location, but we are going to use external sounds and mute the sounds from the clip.

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posted by AS Film Studies Students @ 13:22  
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