U-19 FILM EXTRACT: Shot List
Tuesday 20 January 2009
Shot List
1. Black Screen -hear a girl humming a tune title appears
2. close up girl- humming tune profile image of girls face
3. Wide shot slow pan- trees, wind rustling, girl humming
4. Medium shot over shoulder- girl humming, view from behind
5. wide shot- park rides move slowly creaking slightly
6. long shot- hows girl sitting on roof, looks cold, uncaring still humming
7.close up of girls eyes- girl blinks several times
8. POV of girl- shows edge of roof, music starts
9. close up of girls eyes- last blink is distorted, camera moves quickly
10. Long POV shot- man appears at roof edge
11. close up profile shot- expression unchanged, long lasting shot
12. close up of man panning- man smiles, hat covers right eye
13. close up of man -he speaks and face is a bit more visible
14. close up slow pan- girls expression blank but seemingly confused, man speaks
15. Long shot, slow pan- music quiet but gets louder, man speaks
16. close up of girl- she looks away sad, nearly nodding
17. Medium shot, long of man- excited, he speaks, energetic
18. medium shot of man- voice becomes distorted
19. close up of mans hand- quick shot
20.close up of girl- stares at hand for while than gets up
21. close up- hand reaches for his, camera cuts before they touch
22. medium long shot- man disappears, girl moves hand back confused, music loud
23. close up of girls feet- she walks to edge of roof
24. high angle from ground- she looks down
25. long shot from side- as above
26. high angle POV- showing ground
27. close up of feet- jumps
28. extreme face close up- falls
29. close up of girl hitting ground safely- (costume/location change)
30. V. long shot of girl- girl confused looks round

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posted by AS Film Studies Students @ 05:39  
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